Big Changes 2016- 2021

Big Changes 2016- 2021

Update from 
COG ” Life in Christ ” New Ring Tirane Albania                   March 2016

Our favourite verse in the Bible is  2 Corinthians 4:5-6 

“5 For we preach not
ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’
sake.6 For God, who
commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give
the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”

To keep these verses in our mind it has
helped us to improve as we understand the responsibility we have every day as
we serve to the one HE has trusted us ! Every Christmas , Easter , Matrimonial
Ceremony ,every event we make in our church , the rooms  are always full . People come , but don’t
stay  ! What is the problem ? The
responsibility we have from our Lord urged us to stop and check our ways of
doing ministry ! What can we improve was the question of our leaders ! And we
prayed for wisdom and guide  form our
father !

We made 
our calculations ! What we have ? What can we do ? And where do we want
to go ? What are we going to ask God for the next 5 years ?
So what we have now is:    2 churches , 10
small groups , 7 leaders ,1 children’s ministry !
2021 with the grace of God we want to have :
13 Churches , 130 small groups ,150 leaders ,30 children’s ministry .
One of the Leaders asked me :- Pastor is
that possible ? We have so little and is so difficult ,how can we achieve those
numbers ? 
On these point some of us have understood
that as people we can’t , but as the body of Christ that lives to proclaim
and  makes the light of Jesus shine YES
we can ,thru  Christ that strengthen and
equips us !
3 words will be the signs that will lead
the path of our church ”  Discipleship Thru 
Action  ”  Every person in our churches will be part of
a small group of 2,3,4,max 5 persons ,part of the same discipleship program
that will teach people;  Who is Jesus ?
Why he came ? What does He won’t me to do ? What does it mean to be a Christian
?  The beginning and the End !


Some of the small groups ! The small groups
are working perfectly , they meet every week , and because they are small they
are flexible to the needs of the time of the people ! So with just a few calls
they can arrange  the time and hour and
never miss one meeting ! The other great thing using a program is that is not
required the presence of all the leaders , one is enough ! And people bound to
each other very easy  ,not much depended
on the pastor ,so these is a great change !

The Rehab Center

Rehab Centre went thru a difficult time ! We went on a point that we had to
close down , we had almost no support left , but God heard our prayers and showed
his faithfulness as sign that we must go on ! Not a permanent solution but we
got more time ! The challenges ahead are still great but we believe in a great
God and we believe that the on we sere is greater than and difficulty that the
devil will ever bring before us !

The Poor and the needy !

have continued the project thanks to the great gifts we have been provided from
you ! It has been such a blessing to be able to share the gospel with acts of
Love ! We know that the food parcels will not solve the giant problems these
families and individual face , but as one of  the father of one of the drug addicts boy we
have in the project told me one day ; “These food will not fade my
problems a way , but these food tells me that there is more in life ,and that i
must live my life hoping that like these food comes ,many other good things
will come . You came out of nowhere , you say God has brought you because He
cares, if that is true then other things in my family will come because God
cares ! I want to believe that ” .
parcels are a sign of the Love of God ! A sign that He cares when other people
choose to forget.

+ Pray for our new vision ! Pray for the people in our churches
that they will catch the vision
 and be the new leaders of the small groups
& new church plants !
+Pray for the family’s we support and visit for real change in their
spiritual life that they will recognize the sign of Love and understand the
great message that comes in there life’s !
+Pray for us as Leaders that will endure in prayer and follow
the vision with wisdom and power from the Holy Spirit ! Pray for protection as
in every step we take for Christ the devil find’s no pleasure !


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