To send and to let go !

We had in our hearts to start a new church planting in our community since is a large one !
But you need people to do that and especially me that i have to work also wold never normally
dream to take these steep !
So what should i do as pastor and leader ? What should i do i asked the Lord !
The Lord reply was that i must prepare and send people to do that ! Yea but to send means to let go.
I must let go my best leaders ,brothers and sisters that have helped me carrying the burden of the ministry . That is painful but also a must !
So 8 brothers and sisters from our church will leave to start a new one. Preparations has started !
Elton ,Mariana & Ema
will lead the new group
They have set the place and praying on the streets of the neighborhood already. They believe and we believe that before Easter the regular services will start . They with the our help & the help of all the believers have planned to prepare 2 big events to prepare the begging of the new church . One for couples and one for youth !
To support them self’s they will work in secular or christian jobs as we have done !
To pray :
Pray for the hearts of the people they will meet that they will be open to the gospel of Christ !
Pray that finances needed will be found for rent & outreaches !
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