Prayer Requests
It is fantastic that Enver Hoxha’s regime to eradicate all forms of worship has been toppled, but the after-effects of such a dictatorship are still prevalent throughout Albania. Please pray for wholeness and healing for those who suffered during Hoxha’s reign.
During communism people were told repeatedly and forcefully, that there is no God; please pray for a reversal of this lie, that people will hear the truth and accept it.
Pray for the next generation in Albania that they may have hope and invest in there country.
Looking to fight and build a future in there land . They have more freedom and opportunity’s than their parents, pray that they can make good use of these privileges.
Muslim countries have invested huge sums of money sending aid and missionaries into Albania. Please pray that Albania may be spared the sorrows of extreme Islamism, and that Muslims may turn from the religion forced on the population in the 14th Century by their Turkish Ottoman conquerors.
Due to Christians being martyred during communism; Godly people with years of experience are scarce across Albania. Pray that God will raise up new leaders and that appropriate training will be available for them.
Pray for good governance within Albania; for Albania to be free from corruption, greed and discrimination.
Pray that every person in Albania will be given the human rights they deserve regardless of race, wealth, religion or background.
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The only way to Heaven
If We want go to one place that We do not know the way to that place,
We need person that He ever go to that place or person from that place
pick up us, thereby We do not lost .
This way of thinking is very reasonable and It can accept by our logic
If We want go to Heaven, We need person that He know the way go to
Heaven or person from Heaven go to the Earth and He able go back
again to Heaven . The person is Jesus . He go back to Heaven
witnessed by his disciples (Acts 1:9-11) , so Jesus does not have
Grave on the Earth. Jesus able bring You to Heaven , But other person
that his grave on the Earth , then You does not know his spirit go to
Heaven or go to Hell . This person not sure bring You to Heaven.
How to follow Jesus by follow his word and do it .
How to know his word by reading bible every day
Please inform to every person who believe Jesus as God son.
Pray for my grandma’s soul rest in peace
Please pray for my dad have fear of dialysis so please pray he will get better life after doing this and he feel better so please pray for dads better health and better life n god will stop his dialysis forever n doctor treat him only with medicine n dad feel better and live long life with better health n no tension.
Pray for my mom’s healthy life n stability to her anger
Pray for my husband’s health n promotion n his conversion into Christianity
Also pray for my house compensation in dis year and lot of problem with my new house society member is troubling us each n every stage so plz pray for that n let us complete our work properly n blessed house with love n care without any tension